Electrician 1

If you thrive on success and team work in a team culture, Agnico Eagle offers career opportunities on a global scale. We provide rewarding and challenging work that will help you grow your skills and your career. Agnico Eagle is committed to creating meaningful opportunities for our employees and we encourage everyone who works for us to contribute to their full potential. We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity. We provide a safe work environment and seek to ensure all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, free from harassment, discrimination, bullying and retaliation. All employment is decided on the basis of qualifications, merit and business need. Disability-related accommodations during the application and selection process are available upon request. Interested? We hope you are.


Location: Macassa Mine, Kirkland Lake, ON

Rotation: 7/7 10 Hour Shifts

This role is not a Camp Based opportunity.



At Agnico Eagle, our values never waver. We believe in trust, respect, equality, family and responsibility. Why? Because they express who we are and they have helped us succeed in business for over 60 years.


We value you – your unique set of skills and experience. We value your willingness to build those skills and make a meaningful contribution to our company. And, we value your commitment to treat every person on our team with respect, helping us to operate safely, protect the environment and make a positive contribution to our local communities.


Agnico Eagle Mines' Macassa Mine is situated on the traditional homelands of the Apitipi Anicinapek Nation, Beaverhouse First Nation, and Matachewan First Nation. In honoring our relationships with and commitments to our Partner Nations, Agnico Eagle prioritizes the hiring of Members from these Nations. To support this commitment, members from these Nations seeking employment opportunities at the Macassa Mine are encouraged to self-identify during the job application process. This ensures that we can consider your application appropriately in line with our dedication to supporting our Partner Nations.


We currently have an exciting opportunity for a Licensed Underground Electrician to join our Mine Maintenance team.


The Macassa Mine is a high-grade gold producer, with grade improving at depth, and a key valuation driver for Agnico Eagle. Located in the Town of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, the Macassa Mine remains one of the highest gold grade mines in the world. Macassa commenced operations in 2002, and with the discovery of the South Mine Complex has been able to increase its level of production significantly over the past five years. The mine is located in an area with well-developed infrastructure, including a provincial highway, a railway system and a private airport. High-grade ore is processed at the Macassa Mill, which currently has available capacity and is located in close proximity to the mine.


The Licensed Underground Electrician is an integral member supporting the safe and continuous Mining operation of the site. The Licensed Electrician is considered capable and with qualification to install, repair and make good items in planned and unplanned maintenance.



Your responsibilities will include:

  • Complete work in accordance to electrical code and “best practices”
  • Install and terminate 15kv, 5kv 600 volt power distribution
  • Read and interpret drawings, circuit diagrams and blueprints.
  • Conduct preventative maintenance programs on electrical equipment and record results and findings
  • Troubleshoot and repair electrical systems and equipment such as power distribution, ventilation, leaky feeder communication, central blast line systems, Jumbos, bolters and diamond drills
  •  Make changes to electrical systems and record/document changes
  • Follow the OHSA acts and regs for mines – Z462 standards
  • Work on assigned daily line up following work orders and instructions
  • Provide support to centralized maintenance team
  • Other duties as directed 
  • Follow all procedures and policIES
  • Promote safe work environment
  • Practice IRS


Our ideal candidate has:

  • Licensed Electrician (Ontario)
  • Must be able to read and interpret electrical prints
  • Must have good communication and leadership skills
  • Able to work in fast paced environment
  • Clear understanding of lockouts, high voltage switching
  • Competent use of test equipment such as multi meters/insulation testers and signal generators
  • Strong troubleshooting and computing abilities
  • Understanding of PLC systems and asset
  • Ability to work in a team setting and independently.
  • Self-starter

Does this sound like you? If so, we would love to hear from you.


Together, we are building a world-class gold mine and our success is determined by the hard work and dedication of our team. All of our team members are rewarded with a competitive benefits package and on-the-job perks, including:


  • Competitive salary
  • Group benefits package
  • Training and learning opportunities


Should you be the successful candidate for this role, you will be contacted by a member of our Human Resources Department to schedule an interview.

Together, we are Going for Gold in everything that we do and our success is determined by the hard work and dedication of our team.